3 Highlight statistics

3.1 Timor-Est SSF nutritional scenario

The table uses the EC dataset and summarizes the main statistics on nutrient supply for each region related to WRA, the number of woman of reproductive age (15-49 years old). Below is a description of each table’ column:

  • MUNICIPALITY (POPULATION): Municipality and WRA number in 2022.

  • NUTRIENT: Nutrient of reference

  • ANNUAL SUPPLY: Aggregated annual value in kg. These values represent municipal-level estimates based on the number of fishing boats recorded in the 2021 Timor-Leste boat census, average number of fishing trips per boat and average landing weight values for each fish group.

  • N. PEOPLE SUPPLIED DAILY: It describes the number of people meeting the nutrient’ RNI for each municipality. RNI values used are the following:

    Selenium Zinc Protein Total -3 PUFA Calcium Iron Vitamin-A
    0.000026 0.0049 46 2.939 1 0.0294 0.0005

The 20% of RNIs values was take as reference in consideration of the fact that an ‘adequate diet’ is expected to comprise 5 food group. RNIs were then converted from grams to kg (dividing by 1000) and the requirements was calculated as: \(\frac{Anuual\ supply\ (kg)}{(RNI\times 0.20) \ / 1000} /365\)

  • POPULATION MEETING RNI REQUIREMENTS: Percentage of the WRA population meeting the RNI requirements in each municipality: \(\frac{Number\ of\ people\ supplied\ daily}{Municipality\ population} \times 100\)