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Validates Blue Alliance survey data by performing quality checks and calculating catch metrics. The function follows these main steps:

  1. Loads and preprocesses survey data

  2. Performs logical checks on key variables

  3. Calculates catch and length bounds

  4. Flags potential data quality issues

  5. Saves and uploads validated data


validate_ba_surveys(log_threshold = logger::DEBUG)



The logging level threshold for the logger package (e.g., DEBUG, INFO)


None. Writes validated data to parquet file and uploads to cloud storage


The validation includes:

  • Logical checks (non-negative catches, valid fisher counts, valid trip durations)

  • Statistical outlier detection for catch weights and lengths

  • Automated flagging system for quality control

Alert flag descriptions:

  • 1: Total catch is negative

  • 2: Number of fishers is 0 or negative

  • 3: Trip duration is 0 or negative

  • 4: Catch weight or length exceeds calculated bounds