Nest species columns
Nests species columns obtained when reading structured data from the kobo landings survey
Landings data in which the information about multiple species has
been nested into a single column (species_group
) this column contains a
tibble for every row. This, species tibble has as many rows as there are
species. In turn, the data frames contained in species_group
contain a
column called length_individuals
where a data frame with the number of
individuals per length is stored
One of the disadvantages of using structured survey data is that the tables can become very wide (many columns). This happens when question groups or other fields can be recorded multiple times. For example in the landings survey, for each species captured, about 17 questions are recorded. There is no limit to the number of species that can be recorded in the trip. If, for example a survey records seven species we will have over a hundred columns in the data corresponding to species information.
To improve that situation an avoid using multiple tables we use nested data frames (see tidyr::nest). In nested data frames columns can be lists and can contain arbitrary information, like other data frames, lists, vectors, or models.
dummy_landings <- tidyr::tibble(
`_id` = "123",
`species_group.0.species_group/species` = "sp01",
`species_group.0.species_group/food_or_sale` = "food",
`species_group.0.species_group/no_fish_by_length_group/no_individuals_10_15` = 10,
`species_group.0.species_group/no_fish_by_length_group/no_individuals_5_10` = 10,
`species_group.0.species_group/no_fish_by_length_group/fish_length_over60` = 80,
`species_group.0.species_group/no_fish_by_length_group/no_individuals_over60` = 1,
`species_group.1.species_group/species` = "sp02",
`species_group.1.species_group/food_or_sale` = "sale",
`species_group.1.species_group/no_fish_by_length_group/no_individuals_20_25` = 5,
`species_group.1.species_group/no_fish_by_length_group/no_individuals_5_10` = 20,
`species_group.1.species_group/no_fish_by_length_group/fish_length_over60` = 70,
`species_group.1.species_group/no_fish_by_length_group/no_individuals_over60` = 2
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#> `_id` species_group
#> <chr> <list>
#> 1 123 <tibble [2 × 4]>