Clean SFF landings' catches table
Legacy data (SFF landings) include catches information from different versions of the project. This implies that the same information (same variables) can show a different syntax and/or different column names. This function converts and recodes the information associated with species catches into the same format adopted for more recent landings.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
authentication_details <- readLines("location_of_json_file.json")
# obtain the latest version of all files corresponding to timor-landings-v1
legacy_data <-
prefix = "timor-landings-v1",
version = "latest",
provider = "gcs",
options = list(
service_account_key = authentication_details,
bucket = "my-bucket"
legacy_raw <-
readr::read_csv(file = legacy_data, col_types = readr::cols(.default = readr::col_character()))
} # }