Download and Process Surveys from Kobotoolbox
This function retrieves survey data from Kobotoolbox for a specific project,
processes it, and uploads the raw data to a MongoDB database. It uses the
function, which is a wrapper for kobotools_kpi_data
the KoboconnectR package.
url = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
username = NULL,
psswd = NULL,
encoding = NULL
- url
The URL of Kobotoolbox (default is NULL, uses value from configuration).
- project_id
The asset ID of the project to download data from (default is NULL, uses value from configuration).
- username
Username for Kobotoolbox account (default is NULL, uses value from configuration).
- psswd
Password for Kobotoolbox account (default is NULL, uses value from configuration).
- encoding
Encoding to be used for data retrieval (default is NULL, uses "UTF-8").
The function performs the following steps:
Reads configuration settings.
Downloads survey data from Kobotoolbox using
.Checks for uniqueness of submissions.
Converts data to tabular format.
Uploads raw data to MongoDB.
Note that while parameters are provided for customization, the function currently uses hardcoded values and configuration settings for some parameters.