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Exports validated landings data to a MongoDB collection. This function filters and transforms preprocessed data, calculates total catch weights, and exports selected fields to a validated collection.




None (invisible). Data is exported directly to MongoDB.


The function performs the following steps:

  1. Pulls preprocessed data from MongoDB

  2. Calculates total catch weights per submission

  3. Filters for valid survey activities (survey_activity == 1)

  4. Selects relevant fields for export

  5. Uploads the filtered data to the validated collection


Only submissions with survey_activity == 1 are included in the export. Catch weights are summed per submission, with NA values removed.

Exported Fields

The following fields are included in the export:

  • submission_id: Unique identifier for the submission

  • landing_date: Date and time of landing

  • district: Administrative district

  • landing_site: Name of landing site

  • catch_outcome: Outcome of catch

  • lat: Latitude

  • lon: Longitude

  • habitat: Fishing habitat

  • vessel_type: Type of fishing vessel

  • propulsion_gear: Type of propulsion

  • trip_duration: Duration of fishing trip

  • gear: Fishing gear used

  • catch_df: Nested catch data

See also

preprocess_landings for data preprocessing calculate_catch for catch weight calculations


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
} # }